


Welcome to Blalock Plumbing, Electric and HVAC, Inc

When it comes to managing energy and operational costs, businesses and organizations have never been more challenged than they are today. As the cost of energy continues to rise, every improvement large or small, in efficiency, can add up to significant savings over time.

Blalock provides a wide range of offerings that enable you to enjoy the highest levels of performance from the systems in your facility. Whether you’re installing new equipment, maintaining an existing system or completely upgrading your infrastructure, Blalock can provide exactly the expertise you need.

If the performance of your HVAC and other systems has gradually deteriorated since the installation and startup of your equipment, your building is wasting away dollars that could be applied to your bottom line. Blalock can help improve your profitability by ensuring that your building is working as hard as you are.

Critical equipment breakdowns always happen at the worst time. HVAC equipment are some of the most vital assets in your facility.  Sudden failure could mean employees in danger, delayed production and reduced revenue. When it happens we are ready with expert, experienced, safety-minded technicians who return facilities to normal operating conditions. A leader in building systems and energy efficiency, Blalock provides comprehensive services for maintaining and operating facilities, improving reliability, and servicing critical building functions such as temperature, air quality, electricity, lighting and plumbing.

Blalock partners with AMC Safety